Movement Retreat – 18th – 24th May 2025
Movement is an holistic approach to the human body physicality developed by several teachers and followed by thousands of movers around the globe.
These techniques combine exercises of strength, mobility, coordination, flexibility and other capacities to create a more versatile body that can adapt to different environments and situations.
Inspired by the teachings of some of the most important names in the field, Movement Lisboa was born and founded by André Dias and Tiago Martins, a duo who dedicate their work on sharing several techniques in Lisboa, Portugal under the guidance of different approaches. They also develop their own research and practices in order to update body possibilities and knowledge to get everybody / anybody moving daily and healthier.
The Movement Retreat can be faced as an introduction, re establishment or development of the participants practice inside propositions inside a Movement Environment. The physical practice of it will include approaches to containers such as Object Manipulation, Organic Strength, Locomotion, Coordination, Partnering and Improvisation.
André Dias
O interesse pelo movimento humano surgiu com o início da prática de Artes Marciais aos 8 anos, competindo a nível Nacional, Europeu e Mundial entre 2004 e 2017, seguindo com a prática, investigação e ensino até aos dias de hoje. Em paralelo, a prática de outras modalidades como o Basquetebol, Parkour veio despertar o interesse pelo “cultivar” do que é “SER HUMANO” numa perspectiva da fisicalidade e para uma prática generalista e sem barreiras. Esta foi a ignição para, após a Licenciatura em Educação Física e Desporto e um estágio em Reabilitação e Exercício Clínico, procurar e encontrar o trabalho de Ido Portal e a sua Movement Culture principal contentor de informação responsável pela minha prática/investigação sobre o Movimento Humano.
Formador para Técnicos de Exercício Físico nas áreas do Treino de Força com o Peso Corporal e Mobilidade Articular.
Juntamente com Tiago Martins, é co-fundador do Movement Lisboa.
The interest in human movement arose with the start of my martial arts practice at age 8, competing at National, European and World level between 2004 and 2017, continuing as practitioner, researcher and teacher to this day. In parallel, the practice of other modalities such as basketball, Parkour and others, aroused interest about the “cultivation” of what is “BEING HUMAN” from a physical perspective and for a generalist practice without barriers. This was the ignition to, after the Degree in Physical Education and Sports and an Internship on Rehab & Clinical Exercise, look for and find the work of Ido Portal and its Movement Culture, the information container responsible for my practice / research about the Human Movement for the last few years.
Teacher for Physical Exercise Professionals in the areas of Bodyweight Strength Training and Joint Mobility.
With Tiago Martins, he is the co-fonder of Movement Lisboa.
Tiago Martins
Muito cedo mergulha em estudos de dança, teatro e artes dramáticas. Faz licenciatura em Pintura e desenvolve uma carreira como interprete, bailarino e performer de novo circo por todo o mundo por onde vive e esculpe a sua criatividade e prática. Estudante de várias linguagens dedicadas ao Movement – o corpo na sua totalidade – Ido Portal, Fighting Monkey, Gaga, Weklser, W.Reynolds, Wanderkeybus, Zambrano entre tantos outros. Estuda e observa o corpo como um veículo de funcionalidade, intelecto e de expressão artística. Organizador de vários eventos internacionais dentro da Movement Culture. Co Fundador do Movement Lisboa, professor e educador
Tiago would never have believed that Movement and Movement-related disciplines would remain a constant presence throughout his professional and personal life, as well as in the practice of several other performative disciplines that allowed him to travel the world. Upon returning to Lisbon, he sought to further his education and deepen his knowledge in Sports and Movement. However, five years ago, his path intersected with the work of Ido Portal and his Movement method, and Tiago began his journey as a practitioner from 2016 to 2022.
He discovered in Movement and Movement Culture not only personal answers for his own practice but also a guiding philosophy for his approach as a professional educator. Within the framework of the Movement methodology, Tiago has actively participated in more than 50 events, including notable ones such as Corset, Movement X, Movement Camp 2018 and 2019, and the European Movement Meeting in 2017, 2018, and 2019, to name just a few.
Tiago has also been the responsible host for bringing the European Movement Meeting to Portugal since 2018, collaborating with numerous other esteemed names and internationally recognized teachers, such as Tom Weklser, Shai Faran, Nil Tiesner, Kenan Dinckelmann, Almog Loven, Fighting Monkey, and many others. Alongside André Dias, he co-founded Movement Lisboa.